Train With Us
Term Dates
Our training is held on Monday and Tuesday nights.
Directions to our training venues can be found on our Contact page.
Term 1
Online enrolment: 13-19 Jan
Puppy info nights: 23, 25 Jan
Classes start: 31 Jan, 1 Feb
Graduation: 28, 29 Mar
Location: TBCOC Clubgrounds
Please note: there may be no class 7,8 February due to Waitangi Day observance (please check with your instructor).
Term 2
Online enrolment: 6-13 April
Puppy info nights: 25-27 April
Classes start: 2-4 May
Graduation: 27-29 Jun
Location: Kākāriki Stables (some classes will still be held at TBCOC Clubgrounds)
Please note: there may be no class 6-8 June due to Queen's Birthday (please check with your instructor).
Term 3
Online enrolment: 6-13 Jul
Puppy info nights: 18-20 Jul
Classes start: 25-27 Jul
Graduation: 12-14 Sep
Location: Kākāriki Stables (some classes will still be held at TBCOC Clubgrounds)
Term 4
Online enrolment: 21-28 Sep
Puppy info nights: 3, 4 Oct
Classes start: 10, 11 Oct
Graduation: 5, 6 Dec
Location: TBCOC Clubgrounds
Please note: there may be no class 24/25 October due to Labour Day observance (please check with your instructor).
Membership and enrolment
Become a Member
Is your membership up-to-date?
Membership is compulsory for all class members.
Club membership is $40 per 12 months.
Enrol in classes
Once you have paid your membership, you can enrol in our training classes.
Classes are $60 per term for 7 weeks training (plus graduation in week 8 for domestic classes).
Note: enrolment is only open for a short period before each term begins. See Term Dates for details.
What To Bring to class
- On the first night of class please bring proof of your dog's council registration (collar tag or receipt of payment) and of the dog's current vaccination.
- Bring lots of small, delicious, soft treats for your dog (such as cheese or skinless sausage) that can be eaten quickly without the dog choking on them - excited dogs often forget to chew! Possyum is a great choice and is available with the dog roll at your supermarket. Aim for small pieces - treat quantity is more important to your dog than treat size.
- Ensure that you have a treat pouch to treat from – one that attaches around your waist or clips onto a belt.
- We recommend you do not give your dog a full dinner before class. They will work harder for their treats, and they will not have to do exercise on a full stomach which can cause medical problems.
- Make sure you are wearing suitable clothing for training - clothing you don't mind getting a little dirty, and closed-toe shoes.
- A tug or toy for your dog (NOT squeaky please as this distracts other peoples' dogs).
- A suitable leash and collar- NO Choker chains or retractable leads. You should only be able to fit two fingers inside a correctly fitted collar.
- Poo bags for cleaning up after your dog.
A good positive attitude!