News and Events

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Rally-Obedience championship show & Obedience ribbon trial

25-26 May 2024

Saturday 25th May

Central Allbreeds - Rally-O Ribbon Trial and Hoopers Novelty Event

  • Entries from 11.30 on the day.
  • $5. Cash or phone internet accepted.
  • Rally-O first course walk after
  • Running order: Advanced B/A then Novice B/A then Excellent.A/B

Judges Sheelah Stevens (Advanced/Novice) and Jan Voss (Excellent).

Hoopers - $5 per dog. Starts approximately 1.30pm in the fully fenced zone.

Introductory Treibball Demo around 1pm (after Advanced)

Support our Clubrooms Fundraiser raffle with 1st prize free pet portrait sitting and photo from Jo Moore. 2nd prize 15kg bag of Addiction dog food courtesy of Waglands Dog Daycare. Tickets available from 25th April on through CADTS,  and drawn on the day.

What’s Hoopers?
Using barrels, hoops and tunnels in an agility-like context but without the tight turns
and no jumps, making it suited to dogs of all ages and types – come and give it a try.

Rally-O Ribbon Trial and Hoopers Novelty Event Flyer

Sunday 26th May

Titahi Bay Canine Obedience Club - Rally-O Event & Obedience Ribbon Trial


Terrific opportunity to have a warm up first at the Central Allbreeds event on Saturday 25th, then compete in our Double Championship Show:

  • Entries on Dogs NZ, closing on May 12th.
  • All levels from Novice A through to Encore.


  • Start time 8:30, entries from 8:00am.
  • Open to all.
  • Enter on the day.
  • All levels from Novice A through to Encore.

We will be trialling the proposed new grades:
Intro New Handler
Intro New Dog
New Elementary

Along with the standard: Beginners, Novice, Test A, Test B and Test C grades

Obedience Ribbon Trial Flyer

New Classes
Intro New Handler:
For handlers and dogs that have not won more than two Intro classes on 45 points or more and have not achieved a qualifying win in any higher obedience test. No non-competitors. Handlers do not need to be DNZ members. Entries can be taken on the day. Harnesses are permitted.

Handler may carry a toy that is visible to the dog at all times but can only play once steward says exercise finished and before the next exercise commences.

There will be a reward station set up at the side of the ring, but not at the entrance, where food rewards can be left. It is to be set up after the previous competitor has exited the ring, but prior to the handler entering the ring (can be placed by the steward). The handler may go to the reward station after heelwork, recall and stay once the steward gives the cue to indicate the exercise is finished.

Heel on lead: These will consist of no more than three turns. Only one left turn plus right turns and about turns are allowed. Handler and dog will start as soon as they pass the judge’s starting mark without having to halt. This mark will be at least two metres from the gate entrance.
20 points

Recall: Handler to set up dog in either a sit or down and, when cued by steward, handler to leave dog and walk no more than 2 metres away. Handler to halt and about turn at cue. On cue the handler will call the dog into a present position in front of handler. No finish. Toy may be visible and may be played with once the exercise-finished cue is given. Off lead, however a long line, held by the judge, can be used if requested by the handler. Use of a long line could be given a 1 point penalty (Judges discretion).
10 points

Single Sit or Down Stay(Handlers choice): This is to be done in the middle of the ring at the conclusion of the recall. The dog is told to sit/down with the lead dropped and handler, when cued, is to leave the dog and walk no more than 5 metres away. Handler to halt and about turn to face the dog at cue and remain stationary for a period of 50 seconds. At the end of this time the handler will be cued to return to their dog. Toy may be visible at all times and may be played with once the exercise-finished cue is given.
20 points


Certificates will be issued for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Once a handler has two first-place certificates on 45 points or above they must move on to Elementary.

Intro New Dog
Class is exactly the same as for Intro New Handler but is for experienced handlers with new dogs. Handlers must be a DNZ member. The dog must not have previously won any obedience test or achieved two first place certificates in Intro classes on 45 or above. A winner’s certificate will be awarded. Clubs may take non-competitors in this class if they choose to.

Eligibility: Handlers may not have won more than two elementaries on 65 points or above. Handler may carry a toy, but it must not be visible to the dog. On the cue “exercise finished” by steward in any exercise, the handler may play with the dog until the commencement of the next exercise at which stage the toy should be hidden away again. Reward Station may be set up as in Intro class.

Heel work:
Heel on lead with a maximum of five turns these can include about turns, right turns and up to two left turns. Halts can also be included. Heel work to commence from heel position either sitting or standing.
20 points

As per Beginners recall with finish.
10 points

30-second Sit Stay: To be done in groups of no more than five dogs with all dogs at least 3 metres apart. On the steward’s cue, handlers are to put their dogs in a sit position with lead on and dropped. On cue from steward, handlers to leave their dogs and walk away to a distance of no more than 5 metres. Handlers to halt, about turn and face their dogs at steward’s cue and remain stationary for a period of 30 seconds after which time they will be instructed to return to their dogs.
No commands can be given from the time the steward cues ‘leave the dog’ until the handler has returned to the dog.
20 points

30 second Down Stay: As for sit stay, but with dog in down position.
20 points


CGC Assessment

13 October, 2024

Titahi Bay Canine Obedience Club 

Our next CGC assessment will be on Sunday, 13th October. All four levels will be being assessed - Foundation, Bronze, Silver, Gold.
We need plenty of volunteers to help so it’s a great opportunity for handlers who are interested in Canine Good Citizen training to learn what it’s all about and get lots of tips for how to train their own dogs. If you’re interested in helping, please contact your instructor or the organiser ([email protected]) directly.